Freddie Hinson Jr. was born on August 6, 1964 in Clearwater Florida to Rhonda M. and Freddie Hinson, Sr. He made a personal profession of faith in Christ at the age of 12. At the age of 18 he accepted his call to public ministry while serving in the US Army in SHAPE Belgium where he served as a minister and musician. He maintained his membership in New Zion Missionary Baptist Church while serving in the military. Upon his return home, he was licensed as a minister and served in his home church for 7 years while attending Florida Beacon Bible College, St. Petersburg College and NOVA University.
While serving at New Zion Missionary Baptist Church he met and married his sweetheart and best friend Leslee Carol (Nelms) Hinson. They are the proud parents of two daughters, Ashley (Hinson) Long and Elicia Hinson, one granddaughter Emani Marie Long and a son-in-law Christopher Long.
While serving in his home church God provided him with numerous ministry and speaking opportunities, both within and beyond New Zion. At New Zion, he was discipled by Dr. LeRoy Howard and he grew in the areas of preaching, teaching and serving. It was at here that he also learned the fundamental aspects of spiritual leadership while ministering in the church and community. After seven years of service he was called to Pastor Union Baptist Church of Port Richey Florida.
Over the course of his ministry and the pastorate, his love for God’s Word, the church, and people have been obvious in every ministry area that he has served. While serving as a Bi-vocational pastor he was the Director for the City of Clearwater’s Neighborhood Services Department which was the key department responsible for Neighborhood Sustainability and Urban Redevelopment throughout the city of Clearwater. This ministry opportunity has resulted in Pastor Hinson being called a Pastor who is engrained in community ministry, reaching and impacting communities with the Love of Jesus Christ. Balancing his pastoral responsibilities with pastoral ministry, speaking engagements, conferences, and other church events, Pastor Hinson strives to fulfill his life mission statement which is, “To Serve the Present Age My Calling to Fulfill,” taken from the familiar hymn, “A Charge to Keep I Have” by Charles Wesley.
As he strives to be the best servant that he can possibly be to our LORD he continues to study keeping himself sharp by participating in Pastoral leadership, Preaching and Teaching Institutes while completing his Doctoral Degree. His lifelong goal is to finish well in the service of the Lord.