Phony Men Silly Women

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“Phony Men Silly Women”


Our Pastor and First Lady

Pastor Freddie Hinson  Jr.
First Lady Leslee Hinson
The New Hope family is made up of people just like you. Our family make up is a vast array of God’s humanity. We are seniors and youth, retirees, blue collar and white collar workers, married and single. We are from all over the United States of America, England, South America and the Caribbean… Most importantly we are most definitely and unashamedly Christians. We are people just like you.
The New Hope family is a group of believers in Christ Jesus who have entered into covenant relationship one with the other and have united to live out our faith and form a local church to serve our risen Lord until He returns. In our family, we are people just waiting to be your brothers and sisters. No, we don’t force ourselves on people; but show ourselves friendly. We like to spend time with people, and share our lives with others. We desire that new comers here sense our close family atmosphere and that you’ll prayerfully consider making our church family your church family. Your return to fellowship with us is greatly anticipated and we look forward to reaching out to you in friendship and brotherhood. Given the opportunity we will do our best to get acquainted with you and share our lives with you.
